Our Blog – Gaming Aid News

Find the latest news and interesting facts about Gaming Aid on this page. From current projects we’re involved in, to our latest supporters, or simply matters close to our heart – we’ll keep you informed.

New hardware for the Zwerg Nase ZentruM

Good news from the recent past. You can never have enough of those! We have recently been able to support a project that is very close to our hearts. The premises of the Zwerg Nase Zentrums gGmbH in...

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Gamescom tombola a resounding success

The now traditional Gaming Aid raffle took place at the gamescom 2023 industry party. The proceeds from this event, which was organised by us, amounted to an impressive 4695.10 euros and will be...

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We mourn the loss of Ingo Horn

"We are deeply shocked and stunned that Ingo is no longer with us. His vision of Gaming Aid and LetsPlay4Charity became a reality thanks to his tireless efforts. He found and convinced fellow...

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