Our Blog – Gaming Aid News

Find the latest news and interesting facts about Gaming Aid on this page. From current projects we’re involved in, to our latest supporters, or simply matters close to our heart – we’ll keep you informed.

Visit to our ongoing projects

Sustainability is very important to us. That's why we've been revisiting our projects over the past few months, or sending them new games and consoles in the post. The joy was huge at the aftercare...

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Gaming Aid awards first scholarship

The charitable non-profit organisation Gaming-Aid e.V. is awarding a Gaming-Aid Scholarship (GASt) for the first time, enabling a student to study at the Cologne Game Lab at TH Köln.

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Gamescom review

We were at Gamescom again this year and had lots of great visitors with even more great conversations. Special thanks go to Deck 13 and LifeforLive, who also surprised us with their donations. We...

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