Our Blog – Gaming Aid News

Find the latest news and interesting facts about Gaming Aid on this page. From current projects we’re involved in, to our latest supporters, or simply matters close to our heart – we’ll keep you informed.

Playing properly at last!

Last year, we received special controllers from Microsoft that were developed for people with disabilities. Perfectly suited for the gamers from Rett Syndrom Deutschland e.V.

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Visit in Cologne

Young people and unaccompanied refugees - including those from Afghanistan, Syria and Eritrea - find a home for the time being in the initial reception centre run by the Sozialdienst katholischer...

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Children’s books go on journeys

Today we met Nadine, who is part of the "A parcel goes on a journey" project for sick children and their families. We thought the idea of sending parcels to bring joy was so great that we were keen...

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